Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Roby Pribadi UNIT 9


A. Comprehension Questions (Page 63)
1.(False) The villagers in passage A are not hospitable villagers.
2.(False) The guests in passage A are not encouraged to refuse the food offered to them.
3.(True) The villagers in passage B are very helpful to the narrator.
4.(True) The narrator in passage B can speak the villagers languange
5.(False) The old woman mentioned in passage b did the narrator a favor on purpose.
6.(false) The narrator in passage C could not find any room in all the hotels.
7.(True) The narrator in passage C can’t speak the language spoken in the place he visited.
8.(True) The family did not feel disturbed by the narrator’s visit in passage C.
9.(False) The villagers in passage B are reluctant to receive the narrator as a guests. That is why they were arguing.
10.(True) The villagers in passage A have to wait for the guest’s request first before they offer him or her their services.

B. Vocabulary
11. Delighted (paragraph 2)
(c). gain enjoyment from something
12. Custom (paragraph 2)
(b). Habit
13. Disinterested (paragraph 3)
(b). Removing money
14. Vehemently (paragraph 3)
(a). With intense feeling
15. To Haul (paragraph 3)
(b). to move something with effort
16. Garage (paragraph 3)
(a). Building for motor vehicles
17. Hearty (paragraph 4)
(c). Substansial and nourishing
18. Compiled (paragraph 7)
(c). Put together
19. Exchanged (paragraph 8)
(c). Given and received
20. Stumbling (paragraph 8)
(b). Tripping over

Match each of the following words its antonym in the vocabulary items above
11. Junkyard
12. Kept
13. Novelty
14. Shove
15. Dispersed
16. Firm
17. Displeased
18. Biased
19. Half-hearted
20. Impassively

C. Languange Focus
I. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, omitting the words in brackets.
1. This fact is known very well by everyone.
2. The theatre was only opened last month by them.
3. Two of my Books have been taken by someone.
4. what should one do in such cases?
5. Were they said anything interesting?
6. This type of transistor radio are being manufactured now in Japan.
7. No one could possibly have known the secret.
8. All orders will be executed promptly by us.
9. The vacancy has been filled already.
10. The work must be finished at seven o'clock by you.
II. Report a chemical experiment
o give information about the equations for reactions involving gases can use Avogrado's law. by connecting two syringes can investigate the reactions between NH, and HCl. he tap between the syringes is opened and the gas is pushed into the syringe. When the reaction is over, the volume of any remaining gas is measured.


A. Comprehension Questions
Select words from paragraph B to answer Question 1-3. Use ONE word for each answer.
1.Name the precondition needed in rock for below surface fractures to occure. (Destructives)
2. Which term is used for (the location of the greatest amount of movement? (Weaker)
3.What action below the surface rock results in seismic waves?

Select A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

4.It is now believed that :
5.Soft soils :
6.Seismologists :


The notes below are a summary of paragraph C of the reading passage. Choose words from paragraph C to complete the notes. select either one or two words for each space.
Both natural and human activity can cause an earthquake. Similarly, formation of lakes by discharge of nuclear can initiate a quake.

C.Languange Focus

Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition and verb form.
1.Henry is excited to leaving for india.
2.You are capable to doing better work.
3.I have no excuse to being late.
4.I'm accustomed to having a big breakfast.
5.The rain prevented us to completing the work.
6.Fred is always complaining if having the work.
7.Instead to studing, Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends.
8.Thank you for helping me carry the packages to the post office.
9.Mrs. Grant insisted to knowing the whole truth.
10.He showed us how to get to his house with drawing a map.
11.You should take advantage if living here.
12.Laura had a good reason to not going to class yesterday.


A.Comprehension Questions (Page 72)

Exercise 1
Check ( ) all those statements below with which the author would probably agree.
1.(√) all untruths are lies.
2.(√) Everyone lies.
3.(√) We learn to lie as we are growing up.
4.(√) lying is exciting.
5.(√) Lying is dangerous.
6.(√) People should lie in order not to hurt other people’s feelings.
7.(√) Lying can help us not to hurt others’ feelings.
8.(√) Lying can hurt relationships.
9.(X) Lying is bad for your health.

Exercise 2
Below is a list of reasons for lying taken from the article you have just read. To make an argument stronger or clearer, authors often give specific examples. Following the list of reasons are examples of lying given in the article. Match each example with the letter of a reason given. There may be more than one possible answer; and some letters may be used more than once. Choose what you feel to be the best answer. Be prepared to defend your choice.

a. We lie to avoid doing things we should do.
b. We lie to get what we want.
c. We lie to buy time.
d. We lie to end conversations.
e. We lie because it's exciting.
f. We lie to make our stories more interisting.
g. We lie to make people agree with us.
h. We lie so as not to hurt others' feelings.

_d_ You answer the telephone and falsely say that your newborn needs you.

1. (B) We say that we have already put a check in the mail when we haven't.
2. (d) You answer the phone and falsely say that you were just on your way out the
3. (f) We promise that we'll do lunch, but we never get together for lunch.
4. (b) We tell people at work that we are sick, then go out and enjoy the day.
5. (h) We tell our host that a terrible dinner was fine.
6. (a) Parents and children reprt different understandings of the same event.

Exercise 3
Authors of newspaper articles such as the one you just read often cite "experts", people who know a good deal about the topic the author is writing about. However, articles that mention experts can be used mostly on the personal opinion of the writer. In evaluating texts, it is important to notice whose research and opinions are being reported. Below is the list of reasons from the article for why people lie. Indicate if each one is given by author (A) or by one of the experts (E) cited by the author.

(A) a. We lie to avoid doing things we should do.
(A) b. We lie to get what we want.
(E) c. We lie to buy time.
(A) d. We lie to end conversations.
(E) e. We lie because it's exciting.
(E) f. We lie to make our stories more interisting.
(E) g. We lie to make people agree with us.
(A) h. We lie so as not to hurt others' feelings.

B. Vocabulary
Give a definition, synonym, or description of each of the words below.
1. Behaviors : Attitude
2. Purposes : Destination
3. Avoid : Come away
4. Memory : Something happened in the past and can remember in thepresent or
the Future
5. Destroy : Crush
6. trust : believe
C. Languange Focus
Put the the verbs in brackets into infinitive or gerund.
1. He admitted to make the money.
2. Would you consider to selling the property?
3. I expect to arrive tomorrow.
4. He kept of complaining.
5. We all look forward to seeing you.


A.Comprehension Questions (Page 78)

Paragraph 1
1.True A Ball obeying the laws of motion is an example of order in the
Paragraph 2
2.True The Sumerians possibly develoved an ordered society because the
natural changes in their land were not predictable (ordered).
Paragraph 3
3.False The flooding of the Nile River in Egypt was not predictable.
4.True The predictable movements of the sun was probably one
Reason why the Egyptians believed that the universe was ordered.
5.False In an orderly society, people do whatever they want to do.
Paragraph 5
6.True In ancient India, order in society was achieved by everyone doing
His or her duty.
7.False Everyone’s duty was the same.
Paragraph 7
8.False Lao Tzu a famous historical person.
9.True Confucians and Taoists did not have the same ideas about “the
10.True The Christians and jews of Europe believed that their god was responsible for the order of the universe.

B.Vocabulary (Page 79)

1.I have a small dog. He weighs only ten pounds.
2.It is the duty of a policeman to try to prevent crime.
3.All good citizens should obey the law.
4.Chess pieces are arranged in a particular order on the chessboard at the beginning of a game.
5.His enjoyment of jazz is an determined of his love for music.
6.In my country, tornados can appear without warning. They are very unpredictable.
7.The guards marched past the gate every ten minutes. They were very elaborate.
8.I ran around the block eight times, which was the equivalent of running three miles.
9.It was a very mythical rug. The pattern was very complicated with many different colors.
10.The weather report on one TV channel says that it is going to rain tomorrow. However, another channel contradicts that. According to the other channel, it is going to be a sunny day tomorrow.
11.The salary that a teacher receives is extension by the number of years she or he has taught.
12.When I was little child, i believed in Santa Clause. now i know he is a regular being.
13.Many people think that happiness can be achieved only by making other people happy.

Word Families
Verb Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
1. Accumulate Accumulation Accumulated ………………
2. ………………… accuracy accurate/inaccurate accurately
3. harm harm harmful harmfully
4. Influence influence influential ………………
5. originate origin …………………………… ………………..
6. predict prediction predictable/unpredictable predictably
7. …………… regularity regular/irregular regularly
8. respect respect respectful/disrespectfull respectfully

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. Accumulate accumulation accumulated
a. When I woke up this morning, there was an accumulation of then inches of snow on the ground. The snow was accumulated difficult to shovel.
b. Some people love books, and they buy them often. Over a long period of time, these people accumulate large private library of their own.
2. Accuracy accurate/inaccurate accurately
a. Miss jones is very accurate typist. She makes very few mistakes. Mr. Smith makes many mistakes. He is an accurately typist.
b. The accuracy of your typing is very important for this job. You probably won’t get the job if you can’t type.
3. Harmed harm harmful
a. Cigarette smoking is harmful to your health.
b. The temperature went below freezing one night in May. The freezing temperature harmed many of the spring flowers in my garden.
c. That dog is very gentle. He won’t cause you any harm if you play with him.
4. Influenced influence influential
One of my teachers was very influential in my life. His advice influence my career choice. Because of his influenced, I am now working in a job that I like.
5. Originated origins
Some people believe that the origins of all human beings were in Africa. That is, they believe that the ancestor of all modern humans originated in Africa.
6. Predict predictions predictable/unpredictable
a. Modern computers make weather predictions more accurate. Weathermen can now predict the weather more accurately.
b. John’s weekday schedule is very predictable. He always gets up at the same time, goes to work at the same time, and comes home at the same time. However, on weekends, his schedule is unpredictable. Sometimes he sleeps late, and sometimes he gets up early. Some weekends he plays tennis in the morning. Other weekends he plays tennis in the afternoon.
7.Regularity regular/irregular regularly
a. Our current mailman is very regular. He always delivers the mail around 10.30. The previous mailman was very irregular. We never knew what time he would deliver the mail. We are happy with the regularity of our mail delivery now.
b. John exercises regularly. He does some form of exercises everyday.
8. Respected disrespectful respectfully
a. Children should speak respectfully to their parents.
b. Because I respected my uncle. I always listened to his advice.
c. It is disrespectful to step on the flag of your country.

C. Languange Focus
Read the sentences below and answer the questions.
1. Baby birds will instinctively run away if the cardboard shape of a hawk is moved forward over their heads.
What is the condition?
if the cardboard shape of a hawk is moved forward over their heads.
What is the result of the condition happening?
Baby birds will instinctively run away
2. However, they do not run if the cardboard shape is moved backwards.
What is the result of the cardboard shape is moved backwards?
they do not run
3. If our right hand is injured, we can learn to write with our left.
Under what condition can we learn to write with our left hand?
If our right hand is injured
4. If a man steals honey, he is reborn as a bee.
What causes a man to be reborn as bee?
If a man steals honey
5. The seventeenth-century Japanese philosopher, Nakae toju, says that if filial piety is torn from someone’s heart, he becomes like a plant without roots.
What is the condition?
if filial piety is torn from someone’s heart
What is the result of the condition being true?
he becomes like a plant without roots.

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