Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Pegi UNIT 24


A. Comprehension Questions

1. Most married mothers would be happier if their husbands were more involved in caring for the children.
Answer : True (T)
2. Most married mothers are happy with their husband’s current level of involvement with the children.
Answer : True (T)
3. Work in the home gives a person no power or status in the united states.
Answer : false (F)
4. In the United states, women are better prepared to be parents than are men.
Answer : True (T)
5. If a father doesn’t want to be involved in caring for his children and the mother wants him to be, what would the author of the article think would be best for the children ?
Answer : false (F)

B. Vocabulary
1. Involvement : taking part
2. Child-rearing :
3. Responsibility : (the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by
that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right
implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every
4. Roles : (the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or
group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its
5. Status : the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he
had the status of a minor"
6. Privilege : (a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all)
7. Penalty : (games) a handicap or disadvantage that is imposed on a competitor (or a team) for an infraction of the rules of the game)
8. Arrangements : (the thing arranged or agreed to; "they made arrangements to meet in Chicago").
Which word means:
- Happy :
- Pleased :
- Involvement :
- Taking part :
- Looked past :
- Not noticed :
- Missed :
- Ignored :
- Child-rearing :
- Fits :
- Agrees with :
- Satisfies :

C. Language Focus
Exercise :
1. If they come on time, I will talk to them.
2. If you study your lessons. I am sure you will pass.
3. If I have time, I will call on you.
4. We were there before eight o’clock if we will leave right now.
5. Please wait here until I will get back.
6. I will tell you when Ema arrive.
7. We will go unless he invite us
8. If he come, we will give him these books.
9. We will leave as soon as he has finished his coffee.
10. If we decide to come, we will write you a letter.

1. If they lived downtown, we would visit them this evening.
2. If she ... her house, she would be very happy.
3. If that picture lost only two dollars, I would buy it.
4. If today were Sunday, I should sleep late.
5. If my uncle felt well, I’m sure he would come with us.
6. The man wouldn’t have that trouble if he known English.
7. If she enjoyed music, she would go to the concert.
8. If he were here, he would play the piano for us
9. I will tell you If I need help.
10. If you save your money, you would go on a vacation.


A. Comprehension Questions
Select the best answer :

1. What is the passage’s main theme ?
Answer : (c) The ways to interpret nonverbal messages
2. Which pf the following statements is true ?
Answer : (a) There are four types of nonverbal communication.
3. Sneering at a friend’s joke is a type of ...
Answer : (a) verbal/ vocal communication
4. Which of the following statements is not true ?
Answer : (c) verbal/ nonverbal communication involves words although there is no speaking.
5. The next paragraph of the passage above would possibly talk about ?
Anwers : (b) conveyed based division between verbal and nonverbal communication

B. Vocabulary
1. Oversimplification (line 2)
Answer : (a) Description of something in such a simple way that it is no longer right or true.
2. To propose (line 4)
Answer : (b) To suggest a possible opinion for other peolple to consider.
3. To distinguish (line 4)
Answer : (c) To make one thing seem different from another.
4. Loan (line 11)
Answer : (c) A credit given by a bank under no circumstances
5. Puzzled (line 14)
Answer : (b) Confused because you do not understand something
6. To convey (line 15)
Answer : (b) To express a thought or idea so that it is understood by other people
7. To hail ( line 17)
Answer : (b) To call someone in order to attract their attention
8. Dull ( line 18 )
Answer : (c) Not exciting
9. Lightly ( line 19 )
Answer : In unserious way
10. Facade ( line 21 )
Answer : The way somebody or something appears on the surface

II. Synonym :
11. Appearance : -
12. Summon : call, send for
13. Monotonous : dull (vs. Lively)
14. Delicately : finely, fine
15. Generalization : -
16. Bewildered : confuse,throw,fox,befuddle,fuddle,bedevil,confound,discombobulate
17. Differentiate : identify, place
18. Mortgage : owe
19. Express : convey
20. Put forward : propose, suggest, advise

C. Language Focus
Exercise :
1. We’ll just manage to catch the train if we would have arrive early (III).
2. If I see him again, I shall call him (I).
3. If you changed your job, you would be better (II).
4. If you went to see a doctor, he will deliver your (I).
5. I would have enjoyed the party much more if would I invite a lot of people (I).
6. If you had taken my advice, I would lookfor new suggestions (III).
7. If my bank manager will lend me the money, I shall borrow money (I).
8. How would you react if you will sleep ? (I).
9. It...if sea hadn’t been so rough. I would go to sea (II).
10. Would you have lent him the money if he is kind (I).


Comprehension Questions
List of Headings
1. Section B = iii
2. Section C = iv
3. Section D = vii
4. Section E = v
5. Section F = viii
Research Findings
6. The number of hours a father spends doing child care is not the best indicator of how well the family is adjusted.
(Jumlah jam seorang Ayah melewatkan melakukan penitipan anak bukanlah indikator terbaik dari seberapa baik keluarga disesuaikan)
Answer (EG)

7. The vast majority of fathers do not take part to any great extent in family work.
(Sebagian besar ayah tidak mengambil sebagian kepada sebagian besar dalam pekerjaan keluarga)
Answer : (R)

8. Women do the majority of housework whether they are married or not.
(Perempuan melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga mayoritas apakah mereka menikah atau tidak.
Answer : (DA)

9. With regard to the issue of equal responsibility for child care, there is a discrepancy between the wishes and the claims of parent couples.
(Sehubungan dengan masalah tanggung jawab yang sama untuk penitipan anak, ada perbedaan antara keinginan dan klaim dari pasangan orang tua.
Answer : (R)

10. Both mothers and fathers are happier where the father assumes some responsibility for issues relating to the behavior of the children.
(Baik ibu dan ayah bahagia di mana ayah mengasumsikan beberapa tanggung jawab untuk masalah yang berhubungan dengan perilaku anak-anak.
Answer : (R)

11. Researchhers now link family problems to fathers’ lack of involvement in rearing children.
(Para peneliti sekarang link masalah keluarga kurangnya ayah terlibat dalam membesarkan anak-anak)
Answer : (EG)

12. In terms of dealing with family issues, employed fathers make fewer sacrifices in their jobs than do working women.
(Dalam hal menangani masalah-masalah keluarga, ayah bekerja lebih sedikit berkorban dalam pekerjaan mereka daripada wanita bekerja)
Answer : (W)

13. Anxiety result from the mother being the primary care giver.
(Kecemasan hasil dari ibu sebagai pengasuh utama)
Answer : (DA)

14. There has been little recent change in the housework and child care roles of mothers and fathers.
(Ada sedikit perubahan terbaru dalam rumah tangga dan peran perawatan anak ibu dan ayah)
Answer : (DA)

15. In the passage, the writer’s main aim is to ...
Answer : - argue for increased participation in parenting by working men and women.
1. Reluctant ( a )
2. Presumption (
3. Gender (
4. Rigid
5. Approximate (verb)
6. Household ( c )
7. Resent ( g )
8. Predict ( b )
9. Fulfillment (
1. Gap= (g) breach
2. Task= (m) assignment
3. Equality= (L) balance
4. Attitudes= (n) action
5. Bellef= (
6. Challenge= (k) bearing
7. Policy= (
8. Benefit= (b) advantage
9. Community= (f) society
10. Pleasure= (
11. Increase (noun)= (h) invariabel
12. Constant= (
13. Labor= (a) chore

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