Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Puri UNIT 13

UNIT 13 ( He’s My Son )

1. The big idea from this tittle is crush accident about father and son when they observing edge of the road in the mountain. The thesis is the boy is the son from the surgeon. The sosiologist is trying to get across this story that we as a part from the social neighboard must help others people that they need in any situation, in any condition they need if we can give the help we must help the others. Because we are the social people, who can’t live alone.
2. Mark the following either an essential (E) or an essential (U) detail-icing on the cake that adds interest.
E a. The car came to rest on its roof
E b.There was a lodge nearby
E c. The father was killed
E d. The boy was injured
U e. The team burst through the swinging doors.
E f. The surgeon said, “He is my son!”
E g. The Hospital was at the foot of the montain
U h. The medical team was alerted in advance

B. VOCABULARY ( page 86 )
1. The contradiction (b) was resolved when the judge pointed out the inconsistency in the evidence.
2. He was operating under an unwarranted expectation (c) that he later learned was totally untrue.
3. In that situation (e) there was only one thing that we could do run far safety.
4. Professors try to interaction (d) among members of a class.
5. I brought the book with the assumption (d) that it was a novel. I Discovered immediately upon opening in that i was in error.

Change the verbs in the following sentences into the present perfect continous tense.
Answer :
1. I have been living here sice 1928.
2. The cat has been sitting in front of the fire since tea time.
3. I have been looking at the picture for five minute, but i can’t see you in it.
4. I’m afraid you have been looking at the wrong one.
5. I know you have been talking about grammar for the last half-hour, but I’m afraid I have’t been listening.
6. You have been waiting for me?
7. Yes! I have been standing here in the rain for half an hour.
8. He has been learning english for three years, but he can’t even read a newspaper yet.
9. What you have been doing while a have been out? We have been sitting here writing our homework, but it’s not quite finesed yet.
10. He has been working in the post office for twenty years.
11. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I have been cooking all the morning.
12. She ought to stop work, she has a headache because she has been reading too long.
13. They are tired because they have been working in the garden since nine o’clock.
14. Look! That light has been burning all night.

1. Section 1 E, B
2. Section 2 G
3. Section 3 C,D
4. Section 4 A, F
B. VOCABULARY (Page 90-91 )
Summary of Reading Passage
Recent research shows that a sleepness driving early in the morning is more pointers be involved in an accident caused by driver than a driver driving during the middle of the morning or early evening. Police forces and motor manufacturer are trying to find ways to reduce the number of sleeping-related accidents. However, the goverment does not seem to be sufficiently worried to invest in reseach and doubt the reliability of statistic. The statistic are difficult together because motorway accidents are often likely to under imprecise headings such as ‘inattention’ and investigators fail to inquire further into the reason for attention-which may be sleepness. Various categorized at the scene of accidents, for example lack of evidence of braking or certain injury patterns, reveal that sleep may have been the cause.
C. LANGUAGE FOCUS (Page 92-93)
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense : present simple or present continuos.
Answer :
1. Mary is seeing Peter standing at the bus stop.
Marry : Hello, Peter. What bus you are waiting for?
Peter : Hello, Marry. I am waiting for a 9 or a 14.
2. Mary : You ussually goes by car, don’t you?
Peter : Yes, but the car belongs to my mother and sometimes she wants it. She is using it today to take Tom to the dentist.
3. Mary : I usually goes by car too. Jack takes me because he is passing my office on his way to the factory. But this week he is working in a factory in the opposite direction, so I am queuing like you.
4. I am not thinking your brother is enjoying the party. He keeps looking at his watch.
Oh, I’m sure he is enjoying it. He always enjoying your parties. But I am knowning he wants to go home early tonight beacause he is expecting an important telephone cell.
5. I thinks repair jobs always takes longer that one expects. What they are doing now?
They are putting in new electric points. They seems competent electricians but they are smoking at their work and this slows them.


Answer :
1. Paragraph 1, the main idea is Tiananmen Square – the central landmark of the capital city of Beijing-was the scene of unprecedented five-week demonstration in support of the greater political democracy.
•Paragraph 2, the main idea is Premier Li Peng then annouced that the turmoil was to be swiftly ended.
•Paragraph 3, the main idea is About 2 A.M on the morning of the Sunday, June 4, the political dueling ended in convulsions of violence and horor.
•Paragraph 4, the main idea is The response of their goverment, in words once used by Chinese leader Mao Zedong, was: “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.”
2.The main idea of this passege is that the moral power doesn’t enough without gun power in the wars. That who have the power and gun will be won in the war.
3. The demonstrators, numbering in the thousand, were initially mostly students encouragedby recent ecomonic reforms to demand a greater voice in goverment.
4. The hard-liners won the political duel, the evidence is some demonstrators bravely fought back, but their fate had already been sealed. Within three hours, the pro-democracy movement had ended, and Tiananmen Square was awash with the blood of thousands of people.
5. The meaning of the statement “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” is that the political power will be won if completed with barrel of a gun.
1. The veterans converged (a) on the White House to Bring their demands directly to the President.
2. Hard-lines (c) was everywhere at the time, no one was allowed to speak out on an assue in a way that differed from the goverment.
3. There were reformers (f) shout from the crowd indicating that turmoil could break out at any moment.
4. The situation was ominous (e). Nothing like it had ever happened before.
5. The soldiers fired indiscriminately (d) into the crowds, striking anyone who appeared to be there.
6. Alexander Hamilton unprecendented (i) with Aaron Burr in a gunfight that stands out in American History.
7. The dueled (b) wanted to keep things just as they were. The repression (g) wanted change. The result was an unsettled situation with lost of turmoil (h) that lasted many years.

1. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, she had reigned for over 60 years.
2. Once they had settled the agenda, the committee circulated it to all members of the society.
3. Nothing had been moved in the room until after the police taken photograps.
4. He had refused to sign the agreement until after certain points had been cleared up.
5. We all realized what a lucky escape we had had.
6. A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday to find it had been broken up.
7. None of his teachers understood how he had managed to fail the examination.
8. I written to the suppliers asking why the good had not arrived yet. They had replyed say that they had been already sended.
9. I called as the manager’s office, but had discovered I just missed him. He gone out for lunch.

II. Complete the passage with the past perfect tense of the verbs in the list. Use each verbs once only. (Page 97)
Answer :
It is planned that 1,000 miles of motorways should be completed by the early 1970s. At the end of May 1969 in England and Wales, 570 miles had been published for traffic and contraction started or tenders had been opened for a further 294 miles. The lines of an additional 221 miles had been fixed and draft schemes had been invited for 96 miles.


6. The conclusion is, That the man who watched tv 0-2 hours each day have high scored in history proficiency score than the man who watch tv for 6 or more hours each day.
Students who spend considerable time viewing television know less history than students who watch tv for fewer hours each day. Students who spend many hours each day in front of the tv had much lower average proficiency scores on a history achievement test than those who spend just a couple of hours.
7. I will try to spend my more timefor reading and less time doing thing that do not add my knowledge. I will focus reading like history, science, and literature that improve ny knowledge.

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