Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Roby Pribadi UNIT 9


A. Comprehension Questions (Page 63)
1.(False) The villagers in passage A are not hospitable villagers.
2.(False) The guests in passage A are not encouraged to refuse the food offered to them.
3.(True) The villagers in passage B are very helpful to the narrator.
4.(True) The narrator in passage B can speak the villagers languange
5.(False) The old woman mentioned in passage b did the narrator a favor on purpose.
6.(false) The narrator in passage C could not find any room in all the hotels.
7.(True) The narrator in passage C can’t speak the language spoken in the place he visited.
8.(True) The family did not feel disturbed by the narrator’s visit in passage C.
9.(False) The villagers in passage B are reluctant to receive the narrator as a guests. That is why they were arguing.
10.(True) The villagers in passage A have to wait for the guest’s request first before they offer him or her their services.

B. Vocabulary
11. Delighted (paragraph 2)
(c). gain enjoyment from something
12. Custom (paragraph 2)
(b). Habit
13. Disinterested (paragraph 3)
(b). Removing money
14. Vehemently (paragraph 3)
(a). With intense feeling
15. To Haul (paragraph 3)
(b). to move something with effort
16. Garage (paragraph 3)
(a). Building for motor vehicles
17. Hearty (paragraph 4)
(c). Substansial and nourishing
18. Compiled (paragraph 7)
(c). Put together
19. Exchanged (paragraph 8)
(c). Given and received
20. Stumbling (paragraph 8)
(b). Tripping over

Match each of the following words its antonym in the vocabulary items above
11. Junkyard
12. Kept
13. Novelty
14. Shove
15. Dispersed
16. Firm
17. Displeased
18. Biased
19. Half-hearted
20. Impassively

C. Languange Focus
I. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, omitting the words in brackets.
1. This fact is known very well by everyone.
2. The theatre was only opened last month by them.
3. Two of my Books have been taken by someone.
4. what should one do in such cases?
5. Were they said anything interesting?
6. This type of transistor radio are being manufactured now in Japan.
7. No one could possibly have known the secret.
8. All orders will be executed promptly by us.
9. The vacancy has been filled already.
10. The work must be finished at seven o'clock by you.
II. Report a chemical experiment
o give information about the equations for reactions involving gases can use Avogrado's law. by connecting two syringes can investigate the reactions between NH, and HCl. he tap between the syringes is opened and the gas is pushed into the syringe. When the reaction is over, the volume of any remaining gas is measured.


A. Comprehension Questions
Select words from paragraph B to answer Question 1-3. Use ONE word for each answer.
1.Name the precondition needed in rock for below surface fractures to occure. (Destructives)
2. Which term is used for (the location of the greatest amount of movement? (Weaker)
3.What action below the surface rock results in seismic waves?

Select A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

4.It is now believed that :
5.Soft soils :
6.Seismologists :


The notes below are a summary of paragraph C of the reading passage. Choose words from paragraph C to complete the notes. select either one or two words for each space.
Both natural and human activity can cause an earthquake. Similarly, formation of lakes by discharge of nuclear can initiate a quake.

C.Languange Focus

Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition and verb form.
1.Henry is excited to leaving for india.
2.You are capable to doing better work.
3.I have no excuse to being late.
4.I'm accustomed to having a big breakfast.
5.The rain prevented us to completing the work.
6.Fred is always complaining if having the work.
7.Instead to studing, Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends.
8.Thank you for helping me carry the packages to the post office.
9.Mrs. Grant insisted to knowing the whole truth.
10.He showed us how to get to his house with drawing a map.
11.You should take advantage if living here.
12.Laura had a good reason to not going to class yesterday.


A.Comprehension Questions (Page 72)

Exercise 1
Check ( ) all those statements below with which the author would probably agree.
1.(√) all untruths are lies.
2.(√) Everyone lies.
3.(√) We learn to lie as we are growing up.
4.(√) lying is exciting.
5.(√) Lying is dangerous.
6.(√) People should lie in order not to hurt other people’s feelings.
7.(√) Lying can help us not to hurt others’ feelings.
8.(√) Lying can hurt relationships.
9.(X) Lying is bad for your health.

Exercise 2
Below is a list of reasons for lying taken from the article you have just read. To make an argument stronger or clearer, authors often give specific examples. Following the list of reasons are examples of lying given in the article. Match each example with the letter of a reason given. There may be more than one possible answer; and some letters may be used more than once. Choose what you feel to be the best answer. Be prepared to defend your choice.

a. We lie to avoid doing things we should do.
b. We lie to get what we want.
c. We lie to buy time.
d. We lie to end conversations.
e. We lie because it's exciting.
f. We lie to make our stories more interisting.
g. We lie to make people agree with us.
h. We lie so as not to hurt others' feelings.

_d_ You answer the telephone and falsely say that your newborn needs you.

1. (B) We say that we have already put a check in the mail when we haven't.
2. (d) You answer the phone and falsely say that you were just on your way out the
3. (f) We promise that we'll do lunch, but we never get together for lunch.
4. (b) We tell people at work that we are sick, then go out and enjoy the day.
5. (h) We tell our host that a terrible dinner was fine.
6. (a) Parents and children reprt different understandings of the same event.

Exercise 3
Authors of newspaper articles such as the one you just read often cite "experts", people who know a good deal about the topic the author is writing about. However, articles that mention experts can be used mostly on the personal opinion of the writer. In evaluating texts, it is important to notice whose research and opinions are being reported. Below is the list of reasons from the article for why people lie. Indicate if each one is given by author (A) or by one of the experts (E) cited by the author.

(A) a. We lie to avoid doing things we should do.
(A) b. We lie to get what we want.
(E) c. We lie to buy time.
(A) d. We lie to end conversations.
(E) e. We lie because it's exciting.
(E) f. We lie to make our stories more interisting.
(E) g. We lie to make people agree with us.
(A) h. We lie so as not to hurt others' feelings.

B. Vocabulary
Give a definition, synonym, or description of each of the words below.
1. Behaviors : Attitude
2. Purposes : Destination
3. Avoid : Come away
4. Memory : Something happened in the past and can remember in thepresent or
the Future
5. Destroy : Crush
6. trust : believe
C. Languange Focus
Put the the verbs in brackets into infinitive or gerund.
1. He admitted to make the money.
2. Would you consider to selling the property?
3. I expect to arrive tomorrow.
4. He kept of complaining.
5. We all look forward to seeing you.


A.Comprehension Questions (Page 78)

Paragraph 1
1.True A Ball obeying the laws of motion is an example of order in the
Paragraph 2
2.True The Sumerians possibly develoved an ordered society because the
natural changes in their land were not predictable (ordered).
Paragraph 3
3.False The flooding of the Nile River in Egypt was not predictable.
4.True The predictable movements of the sun was probably one
Reason why the Egyptians believed that the universe was ordered.
5.False In an orderly society, people do whatever they want to do.
Paragraph 5
6.True In ancient India, order in society was achieved by everyone doing
His or her duty.
7.False Everyone’s duty was the same.
Paragraph 7
8.False Lao Tzu a famous historical person.
9.True Confucians and Taoists did not have the same ideas about “the
10.True The Christians and jews of Europe believed that their god was responsible for the order of the universe.

B.Vocabulary (Page 79)

1.I have a small dog. He weighs only ten pounds.
2.It is the duty of a policeman to try to prevent crime.
3.All good citizens should obey the law.
4.Chess pieces are arranged in a particular order on the chessboard at the beginning of a game.
5.His enjoyment of jazz is an determined of his love for music.
6.In my country, tornados can appear without warning. They are very unpredictable.
7.The guards marched past the gate every ten minutes. They were very elaborate.
8.I ran around the block eight times, which was the equivalent of running three miles.
9.It was a very mythical rug. The pattern was very complicated with many different colors.
10.The weather report on one TV channel says that it is going to rain tomorrow. However, another channel contradicts that. According to the other channel, it is going to be a sunny day tomorrow.
11.The salary that a teacher receives is extension by the number of years she or he has taught.
12.When I was little child, i believed in Santa Clause. now i know he is a regular being.
13.Many people think that happiness can be achieved only by making other people happy.

Word Families
Verb Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
1. Accumulate Accumulation Accumulated ………………
2. ………………… accuracy accurate/inaccurate accurately
3. harm harm harmful harmfully
4. Influence influence influential ………………
5. originate origin …………………………… ………………..
6. predict prediction predictable/unpredictable predictably
7. …………… regularity regular/irregular regularly
8. respect respect respectful/disrespectfull respectfully

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. Accumulate accumulation accumulated
a. When I woke up this morning, there was an accumulation of then inches of snow on the ground. The snow was accumulated difficult to shovel.
b. Some people love books, and they buy them often. Over a long period of time, these people accumulate large private library of their own.
2. Accuracy accurate/inaccurate accurately
a. Miss jones is very accurate typist. She makes very few mistakes. Mr. Smith makes many mistakes. He is an accurately typist.
b. The accuracy of your typing is very important for this job. You probably won’t get the job if you can’t type.
3. Harmed harm harmful
a. Cigarette smoking is harmful to your health.
b. The temperature went below freezing one night in May. The freezing temperature harmed many of the spring flowers in my garden.
c. That dog is very gentle. He won’t cause you any harm if you play with him.
4. Influenced influence influential
One of my teachers was very influential in my life. His advice influence my career choice. Because of his influenced, I am now working in a job that I like.
5. Originated origins
Some people believe that the origins of all human beings were in Africa. That is, they believe that the ancestor of all modern humans originated in Africa.
6. Predict predictions predictable/unpredictable
a. Modern computers make weather predictions more accurate. Weathermen can now predict the weather more accurately.
b. John’s weekday schedule is very predictable. He always gets up at the same time, goes to work at the same time, and comes home at the same time. However, on weekends, his schedule is unpredictable. Sometimes he sleeps late, and sometimes he gets up early. Some weekends he plays tennis in the morning. Other weekends he plays tennis in the afternoon.
7.Regularity regular/irregular regularly
a. Our current mailman is very regular. He always delivers the mail around 10.30. The previous mailman was very irregular. We never knew what time he would deliver the mail. We are happy with the regularity of our mail delivery now.
b. John exercises regularly. He does some form of exercises everyday.
8. Respected disrespectful respectfully
a. Children should speak respectfully to their parents.
b. Because I respected my uncle. I always listened to his advice.
c. It is disrespectful to step on the flag of your country.

C. Languange Focus
Read the sentences below and answer the questions.
1. Baby birds will instinctively run away if the cardboard shape of a hawk is moved forward over their heads.
What is the condition?
if the cardboard shape of a hawk is moved forward over their heads.
What is the result of the condition happening?
Baby birds will instinctively run away
2. However, they do not run if the cardboard shape is moved backwards.
What is the result of the cardboard shape is moved backwards?
they do not run
3. If our right hand is injured, we can learn to write with our left.
Under what condition can we learn to write with our left hand?
If our right hand is injured
4. If a man steals honey, he is reborn as a bee.
What causes a man to be reborn as bee?
If a man steals honey
5. The seventeenth-century Japanese philosopher, Nakae toju, says that if filial piety is torn from someone’s heart, he becomes like a plant without roots.
What is the condition?
if filial piety is torn from someone’s heart
What is the result of the condition being true?
he becomes like a plant without roots.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Pegi UNIT 24


A. Comprehension Questions

1. Most married mothers would be happier if their husbands were more involved in caring for the children.
Answer : True (T)
2. Most married mothers are happy with their husband’s current level of involvement with the children.
Answer : True (T)
3. Work in the home gives a person no power or status in the united states.
Answer : false (F)
4. In the United states, women are better prepared to be parents than are men.
Answer : True (T)
5. If a father doesn’t want to be involved in caring for his children and the mother wants him to be, what would the author of the article think would be best for the children ?
Answer : false (F)

B. Vocabulary
1. Involvement : taking part
2. Child-rearing :
3. Responsibility : (the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by
that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right
implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every
4. Roles : (the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or
group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its
5. Status : the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he
had the status of a minor"
6. Privilege : (a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all)
7. Penalty : (games) a handicap or disadvantage that is imposed on a competitor (or a team) for an infraction of the rules of the game)
8. Arrangements : (the thing arranged or agreed to; "they made arrangements to meet in Chicago").
Which word means:
- Happy :
- Pleased :
- Involvement :
- Taking part :
- Looked past :
- Not noticed :
- Missed :
- Ignored :
- Child-rearing :
- Fits :
- Agrees with :
- Satisfies :

C. Language Focus
Exercise :
1. If they come on time, I will talk to them.
2. If you study your lessons. I am sure you will pass.
3. If I have time, I will call on you.
4. We were there before eight o’clock if we will leave right now.
5. Please wait here until I will get back.
6. I will tell you when Ema arrive.
7. We will go unless he invite us
8. If he come, we will give him these books.
9. We will leave as soon as he has finished his coffee.
10. If we decide to come, we will write you a letter.

1. If they lived downtown, we would visit them this evening.
2. If she ... her house, she would be very happy.
3. If that picture lost only two dollars, I would buy it.
4. If today were Sunday, I should sleep late.
5. If my uncle felt well, I’m sure he would come with us.
6. The man wouldn’t have that trouble if he known English.
7. If she enjoyed music, she would go to the concert.
8. If he were here, he would play the piano for us
9. I will tell you If I need help.
10. If you save your money, you would go on a vacation.


A. Comprehension Questions
Select the best answer :

1. What is the passage’s main theme ?
Answer : (c) The ways to interpret nonverbal messages
2. Which pf the following statements is true ?
Answer : (a) There are four types of nonverbal communication.
3. Sneering at a friend’s joke is a type of ...
Answer : (a) verbal/ vocal communication
4. Which of the following statements is not true ?
Answer : (c) verbal/ nonverbal communication involves words although there is no speaking.
5. The next paragraph of the passage above would possibly talk about ?
Anwers : (b) conveyed based division between verbal and nonverbal communication

B. Vocabulary
1. Oversimplification (line 2)
Answer : (a) Description of something in such a simple way that it is no longer right or true.
2. To propose (line 4)
Answer : (b) To suggest a possible opinion for other peolple to consider.
3. To distinguish (line 4)
Answer : (c) To make one thing seem different from another.
4. Loan (line 11)
Answer : (c) A credit given by a bank under no circumstances
5. Puzzled (line 14)
Answer : (b) Confused because you do not understand something
6. To convey (line 15)
Answer : (b) To express a thought or idea so that it is understood by other people
7. To hail ( line 17)
Answer : (b) To call someone in order to attract their attention
8. Dull ( line 18 )
Answer : (c) Not exciting
9. Lightly ( line 19 )
Answer : In unserious way
10. Facade ( line 21 )
Answer : The way somebody or something appears on the surface

II. Synonym :
11. Appearance : -
12. Summon : call, send for
13. Monotonous : dull (vs. Lively)
14. Delicately : finely, fine
15. Generalization : -
16. Bewildered : confuse,throw,fox,befuddle,fuddle,bedevil,confound,discombobulate
17. Differentiate : identify, place
18. Mortgage : owe
19. Express : convey
20. Put forward : propose, suggest, advise

C. Language Focus
Exercise :
1. We’ll just manage to catch the train if we would have arrive early (III).
2. If I see him again, I shall call him (I).
3. If you changed your job, you would be better (II).
4. If you went to see a doctor, he will deliver your (I).
5. I would have enjoyed the party much more if would I invite a lot of people (I).
6. If you had taken my advice, I would lookfor new suggestions (III).
7. If my bank manager will lend me the money, I shall borrow money (I).
8. How would you react if you will sleep ? (I).
9. It...if sea hadn’t been so rough. I would go to sea (II).
10. Would you have lent him the money if he is kind (I).


Comprehension Questions
List of Headings
1. Section B = iii
2. Section C = iv
3. Section D = vii
4. Section E = v
5. Section F = viii
Research Findings
6. The number of hours a father spends doing child care is not the best indicator of how well the family is adjusted.
(Jumlah jam seorang Ayah melewatkan melakukan penitipan anak bukanlah indikator terbaik dari seberapa baik keluarga disesuaikan)
Answer (EG)

7. The vast majority of fathers do not take part to any great extent in family work.
(Sebagian besar ayah tidak mengambil sebagian kepada sebagian besar dalam pekerjaan keluarga)
Answer : (R)

8. Women do the majority of housework whether they are married or not.
(Perempuan melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga mayoritas apakah mereka menikah atau tidak.
Answer : (DA)

9. With regard to the issue of equal responsibility for child care, there is a discrepancy between the wishes and the claims of parent couples.
(Sehubungan dengan masalah tanggung jawab yang sama untuk penitipan anak, ada perbedaan antara keinginan dan klaim dari pasangan orang tua.
Answer : (R)

10. Both mothers and fathers are happier where the father assumes some responsibility for issues relating to the behavior of the children.
(Baik ibu dan ayah bahagia di mana ayah mengasumsikan beberapa tanggung jawab untuk masalah yang berhubungan dengan perilaku anak-anak.
Answer : (R)

11. Researchhers now link family problems to fathers’ lack of involvement in rearing children.
(Para peneliti sekarang link masalah keluarga kurangnya ayah terlibat dalam membesarkan anak-anak)
Answer : (EG)

12. In terms of dealing with family issues, employed fathers make fewer sacrifices in their jobs than do working women.
(Dalam hal menangani masalah-masalah keluarga, ayah bekerja lebih sedikit berkorban dalam pekerjaan mereka daripada wanita bekerja)
Answer : (W)

13. Anxiety result from the mother being the primary care giver.
(Kecemasan hasil dari ibu sebagai pengasuh utama)
Answer : (DA)

14. There has been little recent change in the housework and child care roles of mothers and fathers.
(Ada sedikit perubahan terbaru dalam rumah tangga dan peran perawatan anak ibu dan ayah)
Answer : (DA)

15. In the passage, the writer’s main aim is to ...
Answer : - argue for increased participation in parenting by working men and women.
1. Reluctant ( a )
2. Presumption (
3. Gender (
4. Rigid
5. Approximate (verb)
6. Household ( c )
7. Resent ( g )
8. Predict ( b )
9. Fulfillment (
1. Gap= (g) breach
2. Task= (m) assignment
3. Equality= (L) balance
4. Attitudes= (n) action
5. Bellef= (
6. Challenge= (k) bearing
7. Policy= (
8. Benefit= (b) advantage
9. Community= (f) society
10. Pleasure= (
11. Increase (noun)= (h) invariabel
12. Constant= (
13. Labor= (a) chore

Puri UNIT 13

UNIT 13 ( He’s My Son )

1. The big idea from this tittle is crush accident about father and son when they observing edge of the road in the mountain. The thesis is the boy is the son from the surgeon. The sosiologist is trying to get across this story that we as a part from the social neighboard must help others people that they need in any situation, in any condition they need if we can give the help we must help the others. Because we are the social people, who can’t live alone.
2. Mark the following either an essential (E) or an essential (U) detail-icing on the cake that adds interest.
E a. The car came to rest on its roof
E b.There was a lodge nearby
E c. The father was killed
E d. The boy was injured
U e. The team burst through the swinging doors.
E f. The surgeon said, “He is my son!”
E g. The Hospital was at the foot of the montain
U h. The medical team was alerted in advance

B. VOCABULARY ( page 86 )
1. The contradiction (b) was resolved when the judge pointed out the inconsistency in the evidence.
2. He was operating under an unwarranted expectation (c) that he later learned was totally untrue.
3. In that situation (e) there was only one thing that we could do run far safety.
4. Professors try to interaction (d) among members of a class.
5. I brought the book with the assumption (d) that it was a novel. I Discovered immediately upon opening in that i was in error.

Change the verbs in the following sentences into the present perfect continous tense.
Answer :
1. I have been living here sice 1928.
2. The cat has been sitting in front of the fire since tea time.
3. I have been looking at the picture for five minute, but i can’t see you in it.
4. I’m afraid you have been looking at the wrong one.
5. I know you have been talking about grammar for the last half-hour, but I’m afraid I have’t been listening.
6. You have been waiting for me?
7. Yes! I have been standing here in the rain for half an hour.
8. He has been learning english for three years, but he can’t even read a newspaper yet.
9. What you have been doing while a have been out? We have been sitting here writing our homework, but it’s not quite finesed yet.
10. He has been working in the post office for twenty years.
11. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I have been cooking all the morning.
12. She ought to stop work, she has a headache because she has been reading too long.
13. They are tired because they have been working in the garden since nine o’clock.
14. Look! That light has been burning all night.

1. Section 1 E, B
2. Section 2 G
3. Section 3 C,D
4. Section 4 A, F
B. VOCABULARY (Page 90-91 )
Summary of Reading Passage
Recent research shows that a sleepness driving early in the morning is more pointers be involved in an accident caused by driver than a driver driving during the middle of the morning or early evening. Police forces and motor manufacturer are trying to find ways to reduce the number of sleeping-related accidents. However, the goverment does not seem to be sufficiently worried to invest in reseach and doubt the reliability of statistic. The statistic are difficult together because motorway accidents are often likely to under imprecise headings such as ‘inattention’ and investigators fail to inquire further into the reason for attention-which may be sleepness. Various categorized at the scene of accidents, for example lack of evidence of braking or certain injury patterns, reveal that sleep may have been the cause.
C. LANGUAGE FOCUS (Page 92-93)
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense : present simple or present continuos.
Answer :
1. Mary is seeing Peter standing at the bus stop.
Marry : Hello, Peter. What bus you are waiting for?
Peter : Hello, Marry. I am waiting for a 9 or a 14.
2. Mary : You ussually goes by car, don’t you?
Peter : Yes, but the car belongs to my mother and sometimes she wants it. She is using it today to take Tom to the dentist.
3. Mary : I usually goes by car too. Jack takes me because he is passing my office on his way to the factory. But this week he is working in a factory in the opposite direction, so I am queuing like you.
4. I am not thinking your brother is enjoying the party. He keeps looking at his watch.
Oh, I’m sure he is enjoying it. He always enjoying your parties. But I am knowning he wants to go home early tonight beacause he is expecting an important telephone cell.
5. I thinks repair jobs always takes longer that one expects. What they are doing now?
They are putting in new electric points. They seems competent electricians but they are smoking at their work and this slows them.


Answer :
1. Paragraph 1, the main idea is Tiananmen Square – the central landmark of the capital city of Beijing-was the scene of unprecedented five-week demonstration in support of the greater political democracy.
•Paragraph 2, the main idea is Premier Li Peng then annouced that the turmoil was to be swiftly ended.
•Paragraph 3, the main idea is About 2 A.M on the morning of the Sunday, June 4, the political dueling ended in convulsions of violence and horor.
•Paragraph 4, the main idea is The response of their goverment, in words once used by Chinese leader Mao Zedong, was: “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.”
2.The main idea of this passege is that the moral power doesn’t enough without gun power in the wars. That who have the power and gun will be won in the war.
3. The demonstrators, numbering in the thousand, were initially mostly students encouragedby recent ecomonic reforms to demand a greater voice in goverment.
4. The hard-liners won the political duel, the evidence is some demonstrators bravely fought back, but their fate had already been sealed. Within three hours, the pro-democracy movement had ended, and Tiananmen Square was awash with the blood of thousands of people.
5. The meaning of the statement “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” is that the political power will be won if completed with barrel of a gun.
1. The veterans converged (a) on the White House to Bring their demands directly to the President.
2. Hard-lines (c) was everywhere at the time, no one was allowed to speak out on an assue in a way that differed from the goverment.
3. There were reformers (f) shout from the crowd indicating that turmoil could break out at any moment.
4. The situation was ominous (e). Nothing like it had ever happened before.
5. The soldiers fired indiscriminately (d) into the crowds, striking anyone who appeared to be there.
6. Alexander Hamilton unprecendented (i) with Aaron Burr in a gunfight that stands out in American History.
7. The dueled (b) wanted to keep things just as they were. The repression (g) wanted change. The result was an unsettled situation with lost of turmoil (h) that lasted many years.

1. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, she had reigned for over 60 years.
2. Once they had settled the agenda, the committee circulated it to all members of the society.
3. Nothing had been moved in the room until after the police taken photograps.
4. He had refused to sign the agreement until after certain points had been cleared up.
5. We all realized what a lucky escape we had had.
6. A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday to find it had been broken up.
7. None of his teachers understood how he had managed to fail the examination.
8. I written to the suppliers asking why the good had not arrived yet. They had replyed say that they had been already sended.
9. I called as the manager’s office, but had discovered I just missed him. He gone out for lunch.

II. Complete the passage with the past perfect tense of the verbs in the list. Use each verbs once only. (Page 97)
Answer :
It is planned that 1,000 miles of motorways should be completed by the early 1970s. At the end of May 1969 in England and Wales, 570 miles had been published for traffic and contraction started or tenders had been opened for a further 294 miles. The lines of an additional 221 miles had been fixed and draft schemes had been invited for 96 miles.


6. The conclusion is, That the man who watched tv 0-2 hours each day have high scored in history proficiency score than the man who watch tv for 6 or more hours each day.
Students who spend considerable time viewing television know less history than students who watch tv for fewer hours each day. Students who spend many hours each day in front of the tv had much lower average proficiency scores on a history achievement test than those who spend just a couple of hours.
7. I will try to spend my more timefor reading and less time doing thing that do not add my knowledge. I will focus reading like history, science, and literature that improve ny knowledge.

Maulana yusuf UNIT 5

UNIT 5 Don’t Wreck Our Pond

Comprehension Question(page 34)

I.look the article and decide what the following words refer to:
1.There(paragraph 4) refer to A car park
2.It (paragraph 5) refer to Even in winter
3.It (paragraph 5) refer to A car park
4.She (paragraph 6) refer to St.Mary
5.Its (paragraph 8) refer to Car parking
6.It (paragraph 10) refer to The council’s policy and resources committe

II.answer the following questions.

1.What is the article’s main theme?A new car park
2.What is the name of the conservation-minded teacher?
3.Did the MP get angry by the children’s appeal?No,it didn’t because it would really spoil our
4.Who agreed with the plan to build a new car park in the pond?Uttlesford district council
5.Did the school support the children’s action ?Yes,it did.because uttlesford district councilmay dicide to build a car park on swan meadows where the pond is situated

Vocabulary(page 34-36)

I Below are some word taken from the text.try to guess their meaning by thinking about
the context in which they are found

1. Launched (paragraph 1) meaning a.threw something with a great force
2. Composed (paragraph 2) meaning b.arranged item
3. Meadow (paragraph 3) meaning b.grassy area
4. to spoil (pargraph 3) meaning c.to be so good comparison with
something else
5. nearly (paragraph 3) meaning c.proximity
6. views (paragraph 7) meaning a.scene
7. striking (paragraph 8) meaning a.discovering
8. heritage (paragraph 8) meaning a.something passing from generation
to generation
9. to acquire (paragraph 9) meaning c.to obtain possession of something
10. adjacent (paragraph 10) meaning b.very near

II Match each of the following words with its synonym in the vocabulary items above

Words Synonym
1. legacy
2. uncovering
3. pasture
4. just about
5. assessment
6. impair
7. nearby
8. commenced
9. attain
10.made up Heritage
Only about

Language Focus(page 36)

Edverbs of frequency
Complete the table by classifying these following adverbs of frequency based or their similiary with the above mentioned five types!

Never Sometimes Usually Often Always
rarely Occasionally Normaly Frequently Forever
Hardly X Generally Continually Continously
Seldom X X X Regularly

Unit 6 The Birth and Death Of stars

Comprehension Questions(page 40-42)

Answer the following question by circling true or false,if statement is false explain,why?

Paragraph 2
1. True
Paragraph 4
2. Nuclear fusion happens when sharing electrons.at very high temperature the nuclei of atoms will combine together to form larger nuclei.

Paragraph 5
3. Because of law gravity where large clumps of gaseous material begins of forming a star.
Paragraph 6
4. True
5. At the shrinking continues until the center of the star reaches a temperature of a few million degrees.

Paragraph 7
6. True
Paragaraph 8
7. As the hydrogen gets used up
a. the central core of the star and the area of gases around the outside of the core
both get smaller
b the central core of the star get smaller,but the area of gases around the outside of
core gets larger
c. the central core of the star get smaller,but the area of gases around the outside of
core stays the same size
Paragaraph 9
8. When the core of star reaches a temperature of one hundred million degrees the temperature is hot enough for a new kind of nuclear reaction to occur in the core
Paragaraph 10
9. True
Paragaraph 11
10. True

______gases are expelled,only the core is left,it does not shine
___1__particles inside a nebula are attracted to each other,they are pulled together tp
make a smaller volume eventually a young star is formed.
______At 100,000,000°C there is a new kind of nuclear reaction in the core,helium
atoms combine to form larger atoms,gases continue to expand
______As hydrogen get used up the central core of the star gets smaller,temperature rises
to 100,000,000°C,gases expand
______the star shrinks,energy from gravityis changed to heat energy.shrinking continous
until the centre of the star is a few million degrees hydrogen atoms,begin to
combine to form helium atoms

The stars in stages 3,4 and 5 are called by specific names.write the name for each stage
3_________________ 4.__________________________ 5._____________________

Vocabulary(page 42-43)

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list below.


Language focus(page 43-45)

Find inference

1.mary’s cat gave to kittens yesterday inference
a.mary has a cat
2.there was an earthquake that destroyed many houses last week inference
a.there was an earthquake last week
c.many people were homeless after the earthquake
3.there is too much snow in this part of the country in the winter.I am not used to so much snow inference
a.I am not from this part of the country
4.john remembered to feed the cat inference
a.john was supposed to feed the cat.
5.if I win a million dollars in the lottery. I will travel around the world inference
c.I bought a lottery ticket.
6.the mother gave the little boy his lunch in a paper bag when he left for school.inference
a.the little boy has a paper bag with his lunch in it
b.the mother made the lunch.
7.you cannot graduate from this university until you pass the language exam .mary graduated last june inference
a.mary passed language exam.
b.mary has graduated.
8.our baseball team finally won a game inference
a.we have a baseball team.
9.I like my new car better than my old car.my old car did not have front-wheel drive inference
a.i have to cars b.i like my new car better than my old car.
c.my new car has front-wheel drive.
10.it is nice to take flowers when you are invited to someone’s house for dinner.we
took flowers to the smiths last week inference
b.we were invitedto dinner at the smith’s house last week.

Unit 7 Is geography destiny?

Comprehension questions(page 47-48

Answer the following question by circling true or false,if statement is false explain,why?

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
2.by an area called the near east
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
4.in the 13 th century
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
4.true after prince henry died
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
6.false but he reached the islands of Caribbean and eventually south America
Paragraph 9

Vocabulary (page 84-49)
I.Write the correct words on the blank lines.compare your answer with a classmate.
Do the same with the following
II.write the correct forms of the words on the blank lines.

1.arrived arrival
2.complete completion complete/incomplete
3.depends dependent/independent
4.develop development developed/undeveloped
5.existed existence existing

Language Focus

I.read the story and put the verbs in the past simple tense.

Maria sklodowska-curie (1) was (be) a physicist and chemist. She (2) began (begin)
her studies in polandbut in 1891 she (3) left (leave) for france.she (4) studied (study)
there and later (5) worked (work) as a scientist at the sorbonnein paris.she (6) met (meet)
and (7) married (marry) a French scientist,Pierre curie. They (8) had (have) two children,irene and ewa. maria and Pierre (9) discovered (discover) two radioactive elements,radium and polonium.pierre (10) died (die) in 1906 in an accident in paris.maria (11) got (get) two nobel prizes,in1903 and1911.she died (die) in 1934.

II.put the verbs in the correct form of the past simple tense.
Dear carol,
(1) did you have (you/have) a good time in Scotland? (2) was (the weather/be) ok? (3) were (the people /be) friendly? we (4) went (go) to new york for two week.we (5) saw (see) shows on broadway every night and (6) ate (eat) really big pizzas! We (7) took (take) a boat trip to liberty island but we (8) did not go (not/go) upthe statue of liberty.I (9) loved (love) new york but I (10) did (not/like) the hot weather.alex (11) did not (not/want) to come back to England!
Unit 8
The three-pound miracle

Comprehension Questions(page 54-56)

Answer the following question by circling true or false,if statement is false explain,why?

Paragraph 1
3.false because the brains of primitive vertebrates are much smallerthan the human brain and they are tube-like in shape
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
11.false because the brain consists of about 50 billion nerve cell and each one of these cells is in touch with 10,000 other brain cells.
Paragraph 7

Organization:main topics

Range of the paragraph

2 describes the brain of primitive vertebrates
4 describes parts of the human brain
8 including paragraph
6 describes how messages go through the nervous system
1 introduction
3 discusses the brains of higher vertebrates(mammals)
5 compares the human brain to a computer, a switchboard, and message center
7 discusses autonomous functions


Fill in each blank line with the correct word from the list below.


1.on international day atschool, we were able to try new foods from different countries.
2.contain = size
3.occurred = happened
4.required = needed
5.shape = form
6.specific = adequete
7.sufficient = certain
8.volume = hold

Language Focus

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.the brain of a human being is only a small part of the human body,but it is an extremely important one The word it refers to (a.the brain of a human being)

2.the brain of primitive vertebrates such as fish,frogs,and snakes are much smaller than the humanbrain and they are tube-like in shape The word they refers to (b.fish,frogs,and snakes)

3.some example of mammals are elephanet,deer,clogs,mice,and people.they have brains that are somewhat different from the brains of primitive vertebrates. The word they refers to(b.elephanet,deer,clogs,mice,and people)

4.the human midbrain is small and folded inside the rest of the brain,so it is diffcult to see. The word it refers to.( a.the human midbrain)

5.these are at the bottom rear of the brain,near the place where it is attached to the spinal cord. The word it refers to (a.at the bottom rear)

6.there are also a number of small glands colacted in the brain.the thalamus and hypothalamus are two of these. The word these refers to (c.the thalamus and hypothalamus)

7.the human brain is a computer (when it computing,we are thinking). The word it refers to (a. the human brain)

8.Actions like running or picking something up require thinking.we do these things on purpose. The word these things refers to (b. running or picking something up)

9.the brain and the nervous system also couse us to do things without thinking such as breathing or disgesting our food.we don’t have to command our brains to do these things. The word these things refers to (c. breathing or disgesting our food)

10.we also don’t have to command our heart to beat because and the nervous system do it for us. The word it refers to (a.command our heart to beat)

Linda Muaeni UNIT1

A. Comprehension Questions ( page 3 )
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. False
B. Vocabulary (page 3 – 4 )
1. Behavior
2. Pattern
3. Shape
4. Basic
5. Regard
6. Specific
7. Unattractive
8. Depends
9. Container
10. Exposed
11. Dispose
12. Afford
13. Increase
14. Natural
C. Language Focus (page 4 – 7 )
1. They
The cultural ways of their community
2. They
Baby spiders
Baby spiders know how to spin webs
3. They
Baby birds
4. Them
5. We even learn how to think and feel in this way
6. All human
Basic needs such as eating, drinking, keeping, warm and dry, and so on
7. The flathead Indians
8. Long sloping foreheads
9. The Chinese
D. Organization : main topics and details ( page 7 – 8 )
1. Paragraph 6
Detail : In flathead culture
Example : The Chinese used to bind women’s feet because they regarded small feet is beautiful
Detail : the small feet were also a sign that the husband was wealthy.
Examples :- have long sloping foreheads
- women’s feet (small feet)
- cut scars into the bodies or tattoo
- skulls into tall, narrow, domes
2. Paragraph 7
Details : when people die, different cultures dispose of their bodies in different
Examples : - Bodies are burned
- Bodies are buried in the ground
- Parsees exposed their dead on platform for bird to eat
- The bones are dug up and reburied sometimes in a smaller container
Details : with food, weapons, jewelry, little human figures made from clay, and other thing.
A. Comprehension Questions (Page 10 – 11 )
1. D (all of the above)
2. True
3. False
4. C (it has a consistent internal system of rules for combining sounds into speech that everyone who speaks that language can be understand.
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. Some severely retarded children can fail to learn a complete language system.
9. Have trouble learning to speak, Have trouble least one language
B. Vocabulary (Page 11 – 13 )
1a. Consists, Combined
b. Merger, United
2a. Limited, Unlimited.
b. Finite, nonfinite
3a. Systematic
b. Structure
4a. Consistent
b. Remain
5a. Comprehensible
b. Understandable
6a. Deficient
b. Fall Short
7a. Concrete, Abstract
b. Realize, Dissociate
8a. Adequate
b. Enough
9a. Complete
b. Full
10a. Basics
b. Point
• Fill in the blank
1. Consistent
2. Limited
3. Comprehensible
4. Concrete, abstract
5. Complete
6. Adequate
7. Consist
8. Combined
9. Systematic
C. Language Focus (Page 15- 17 )
• Draw a line under the signal words and state what kind of information being signaled by the signal words.
1. Although – Contrast or unexpected information
2. In addition - Additional
3. That is – Explanation or restatement ( saying the same thing in in different words )
4. As a result - Result
On the other hand – Unexpected information
5. Because - Cause
However – Contrast or unexpected information
Another - Additional
6. For example – Example
7. But – Contrast or unexpected information
• Question about statements
1. To understand sign language and to read the lip movement of speaking people.
2. Born with the ability to learn to talk.
3. a) They lose the ability to produce sounds that are not in their own language.
b) 3 ( Young Children And Adolescents )
4. a) because writing leaves physical evidence
b)1 ( Between The Origins Of Human Speech And Writing )
c) how humans learn to speak and understand speech
5. Children are aware that the same thing can be said in different ways.

A. Comprehension Questions ( Page 22 )
1. Naturalists is people who studies plants and animals.
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True
B. Vocabulary (Page 23 – 25 )
• Fill in the blank
1. Particularly
2. Like
3. Brightly
4. Primitive
5. Attached
6. Several
7. Hold
8. Occurs
9. Purpose
10. Hollow
11. Extend
12. Motion
• Synonym
1. Some friends visited me yesterday, but they did not stay long
2. What time does the movie start?
3. It is stops to walk on thin ice
4. You cannot talk when you have laryngitis. Laryngitis unsafe you from talking.
5. The faces of some famous people are known to us because we see their pictures in the newspaper.
6. I hurt my arm in an accident. Every movement of my arm is painful
7. The tall bookshelf can contain more books than the small bookshelf can.
8. When the accident happened, I hurt my arm.
9. There is some sticky material on my coat. Maybe it is chewing gum.
• Antonym
1. It is unsafe to walk in thick ice
2. We had ten math problems for homework. I have done eight problems. My math homework is incomplete
3. I have not finished my homework.
4. We will leave at the end of the party.
5. We wear out socks inside our shoes.
6. He has lots of money. He is very rich.
7. Birds can fly, but it is impossible of human beings to fly.
8. Mary prefers coffee. Unlike Mary, john prefers tea.
9. The movie began at 08.00. We arrived at 09.00. We were late for the movie.
C. Language Focus (Page 25 – 27 )
• Adjective and noun
No Article Adjective Noun
1 a Tall Girl
2 Large Buildings
3 the easy Lesson
4 red Shoes
5 a small Brown dog

• Draw a circle around the noun it describes
1. The book that is on the floor
2. People who are happy
3. The car that she wanted
4. The dog that lives next door
5. The man who works in the cafeteria

6. The people who lived in the original empire
7. Exoskeleton is a skeleton that is on the surface of an animal
8. A common one – called animal that constantly changes its shape
9. Are cup – shaped animals with tentacles that extend upward from the cup
10. Swords that were partially made of gold

A. Comprehension Question (Page 30 – 31 )
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
• Choose the right alternative to complete each of the following sentences.
1. ii ( Carbohydrate )
2. iii ( Culture )
3. Iv (drought )
B. Vocabulary ( Page 30 – 31 )
1. Fat
2. Naturally
3. Unusual
4. Accompanying
5. Great plenty
6. Extremes
7. All
8. Common
9. Dry
10. Burdened with
11. Accompanying

C. Language focus ( page 31 – 32 )
• Nouns and verbs
No Verbs Nouns
1 Calculate Calculation
2 Collude Colludetion
3 Combine Combination
4 Compensate Compensation
5 Complicate Complication
6 Construct Construction
7 Derive Derivation
8 Destroy Destroyer
9 Dictate Dictation
10 Direct Direction
11 Distribute Distribution
12 Dominate Domination
13 Educate Education

• Complete the sentences
1. Calculate
2. Direction, Distribute
3. Complication
4. Dictation
5. Destroyer

• List some are ‘Class words’ and ’Member words’

No Class words Member words
1 Fruits Oranges, strawberries, dates, melons, bananas, peas, lemons.
2 Vegetables Cabbages, beans, potatoes,
3 Foods Meat, eggs, cheese, milk, fish.